Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why Running 26.2 Miles Isn't Really That Hard

Cancer didn't stop my mom from being a real OG.

Sometimes, when I tell people I am training for a marathon, I often hear "How do you run so many miles?" (and why would you want to!?). I don't think running long distances is so terrible because my own thinking about pushing my physical limits has changed a bit over the past few years. One of the reasons I like training for and running marathons is because I feel lucky and grateful to have a healthy body that's capable of chugging along for 26.2 miles. It's a pretty good motivation.

I didn't really think about things that way until my mom got sick, and I saw how much work it was for her to be in her own body. Having cancer makes running a marathon look like a walk in the park. If I have .01% of the strength and determination that I saw in my Mom, I know that I can make it across the finish line of a marathon.

That's one of the reason I wanted to run the NYC Marathon in order to raise money for the Sloan-Memorial Kettering Center, in honor of my mom's strength and the strength of all the other people I know who have been affected by cancer. With your help, I hope to be able to raise $3,500. It'll take us all one step closer to a world without cancer...Which would make marathons seem harder in comparison, but I'm pretty sure that's a fair tradeoff :-)

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