Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why Running 26.2 Miles Isn't Really That Hard

Cancer didn't stop my mom from being a real OG.

Sometimes, when I tell people I am training for a marathon, I often hear "How do you run so many miles?" (and why would you want to!?). I don't think running long distances is so terrible because my own thinking about pushing my physical limits has changed a bit over the past few years. One of the reasons I like training for and running marathons is because I feel lucky and grateful to have a healthy body that's capable of chugging along for 26.2 miles. It's a pretty good motivation.

I didn't really think about things that way until my mom got sick, and I saw how much work it was for her to be in her own body. Having cancer makes running a marathon look like a walk in the park. If I have .01% of the strength and determination that I saw in my Mom, I know that I can make it across the finish line of a marathon.

That's one of the reason I wanted to run the NYC Marathon in order to raise money for the Sloan-Memorial Kettering Center, in honor of my mom's strength and the strength of all the other people I know who have been affected by cancer. With your help, I hope to be able to raise $3,500. It'll take us all one step closer to a world without cancer...Which would make marathons seem harder in comparison, but I'm pretty sure that's a fair tradeoff :-)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hey again!

Well it's been a little while. Life sometimes gets in the way of our best laid plans. After an awesome time at the Warrior Dash last month, muddy ears transformed my long-running sinus/respiratory infection into the world's worst ear infection (at least it felt that way). Antibiotics, vicodin and an emergency room visit later, I eventually ended up missing almost three weeks of training. Then the school year started, and along with it, teaching and plenty other obligations in addition to to the usual dissertating.

But as of last week, i'm back on the wagon- with a vengeance. "Vengeance Wagon" is also a great name for a death metal band. In any case, I ran 15 miles with my BFRBF (Best Friend Running Buddy Fo-eva), Jacquee last Sunday. This coming Sunday, I will be running the Yonkers Half-Marathon. Hopefully I will not become lost. Get it? Lost in Yonkers?! That's comedy gold right there. Since I am also supposed to do my first 20-mile long run that Sunday, I will keep running after I cross the finish line for another 7-miles, at which point I will double back and find BFRBF Jacquee, who is running the FULL marathon, because she is a beast.

I'll let you know how the half-marathon goes, and maybe i'll post some pictures from the course, which follows the Hudson River and is supposed to be quite beautiful. Also, while you're here, why don't you check out my fundraising page again? So far 20 generous donors have helped me make a difference in the race against cancer. I'm a third of the way to my goal! But I still need your help. As I start running longer and harder and sweating more, please consider supporting me!

Thanks guys, and hasta la vista!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What Does Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Do?

Here is what I am raising money for through my marathon run. Memorial-Sloan Kettering is a leader in both cutting-edge cancer research and treatment and has made a huge difference in countless peoples' lives. Look at all the badass things they've done just over the past year.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Running when I don't want to.

Some times I REALLY don't want to lace up my shoes, get out the door and run. Generally it's because i feel tired or stressed out. The ironic thing is that 95% of the time, I will feel better after running. As human nature would have it though, I don't seem to remember this the next time I am having trouble forcing myself out the door.

I find that running is an especially good companion to dissertation writing. Both are endurance sports, that's for sure. But beyond that, running helps clear my head AND sometimes I even have a really good idea while running.

Anyway, this morning I really didn't want to run. Despite the fact that I "only" had to do a 6 miler, I was in a crap mood. My legs were sore. I  felt like I should just get to work and that running was a subversive way of procrastinating (oh, the angst of the PhD student). After a lot of hemming and hawing (to myself, as I was alone in my apartment), I made it out the door and ran to Prospect Park, about a mile from my apartment.

Prospect Park is the bomb. As the kids say. I'm so lucky to live so close to Olmsted and Vaux's Brooklyn opus (Central Park is always stealing all the glory!!) It's a 3.3 mile loop around, but it's extra cool if you run on some of the more random paths outside the paved road. Also a good way to get some extra mileage while staying in the shade.

I was also rocking out hard to Diplo's "I Like Turtles" Mixtape. Which I highly recommend as a running soundtrack. Or a dancing soundtrack. Or soundtrack for doing the "running man."

When I got home my mood had improved 100%. I was feeling optimistic and pumped. I ate some delicious lentil soup. Now I'm all up in my dissertation like whoa. More or less.

Hopefully I remember these glowing after-effects tomorrow morning when I try to get up at 6:45am to go on a 16-mile run before getting on a bus to Boston for a friend's wedding.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

What is the Salty Sweater?

This is a salty sweater.

So is this.

I like running. I often feel great at the end of a long run. Sometimes I feel tired. But I almost end up looking and feeling like I've been rolling in a container of Morton's Salt or taking grooming tips from a briny sea-captain. Because I'm what you call a salty sweater.

In short, The Salty Sweater is actually a really gross name for a blog. Sorry.

In any case, gross name and all, what this blog will be is an attempt to share some of my experiences as I train for a run the 2011 ING NYC Marathon. WHOOO!

This is my third marathon, but it's special in a few ways.
1) Obviously, it's in NYC, my favorite city and the place I call home, these streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you, etc...
2) I'm going to train hard and aim for a PR.
3) Lastly and most importantly, I am raising money for Cancer Research at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center as part of Fred's Team. This cause is very close to my heart, as I lost my mom to cancer three years ago. I've always wanted to do something to support cancer research and help other people whose lives have been touched by this disease. I've also always wanted to run a race in honor of my mom. So this is a golden opportunity.

Many people have already generously donated to support my fundraising efforts. I thought that in addition to my gratitude, I could also keep you updated on my training adventures and share some of the unusual stories that inevitably arise from running the streets of New York. Also, I'm sure you all want to see photos of me looking smelly and tired. Are you sold yet?!

So there you go. That's what The Salty Sweater is. Check back soon, and take a look at my fundraising site!