Sunday, July 31, 2011

What is the Salty Sweater?

This is a salty sweater.

So is this.

I like running. I often feel great at the end of a long run. Sometimes I feel tired. But I almost end up looking and feeling like I've been rolling in a container of Morton's Salt or taking grooming tips from a briny sea-captain. Because I'm what you call a salty sweater.

In short, The Salty Sweater is actually a really gross name for a blog. Sorry.

In any case, gross name and all, what this blog will be is an attempt to share some of my experiences as I train for a run the 2011 ING NYC Marathon. WHOOO!

This is my third marathon, but it's special in a few ways.
1) Obviously, it's in NYC, my favorite city and the place I call home, these streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you, etc...
2) I'm going to train hard and aim for a PR.
3) Lastly and most importantly, I am raising money for Cancer Research at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center as part of Fred's Team. This cause is very close to my heart, as I lost my mom to cancer three years ago. I've always wanted to do something to support cancer research and help other people whose lives have been touched by this disease. I've also always wanted to run a race in honor of my mom. So this is a golden opportunity.

Many people have already generously donated to support my fundraising efforts. I thought that in addition to my gratitude, I could also keep you updated on my training adventures and share some of the unusual stories that inevitably arise from running the streets of New York. Also, I'm sure you all want to see photos of me looking smelly and tired. Are you sold yet?!

So there you go. That's what The Salty Sweater is. Check back soon, and take a look at my fundraising site!